I hope this email finds you in good health.
I would like to first of all thank you so much for the humbling opportunity given to me by WITU. It has greatly built my career path in IT. Honestly, never had i ever met a lady passionate about building other ladies’ career paths in the field of IT. May the good Lord bless you! – Sandra –
Thank you Barbra, I owe where I am as far as my I.T career is concerned to you. Thank you – Lilian
Thank God I came to WITU when I did. I had given up on finding a job, not just in IT but any job. I am now focused and got a Job as a junior developer, I am still just learning what the company does, but very eager and know I will get there. You are my inspiration. Thank you Barbara. – Mary
For me it was not so much the tech training but your talks, these really helped me decide on what I wanted to do with my life and develop a plan about how I will get there. Barbara, you helped me believe in myself. Thank you – lynna
I went for this interview and was very scared when I saw the line of people looking for the same job like me. Honestly when I entered I feared looking at them, but then I remembered your words, I gathered the courage and confidence. I told myself over and over, “I can do this, I will get this job”. When they asked me things I didn’t know, I remembered the tips you gave us and used that. Guess what, I got the Job! – C
Thank you for all the help and connections, I got an internship with the company you recommended me too. I am going to do my very best, there are chances I could be retained. I will keep you updated. Thanks Barbara – Agatha
When I was at the university studying Computer science, I had my career planned out. I wanted to get a job in a tech field but after the frustrations of job seeking and non-retained internships, my hope started waning. Just when I was about to give up, I had an opportunity to get involved in a training program. A program that would help me level up to become employable. A program that would improve my tech skills, give me life skills and a practical approach on how to hook a job in a male dominated field and level up! This program is the Code Girls level up program by the Women In Technology Uganda (WITU).
What started out as an intensive program in applications development, UX design and CERT trainings became an eye opener. I saw first-hand through the networking events Barbara took us to, the mock interview sessions during her life skills class how the tech world really works. What it requires to be employable, what tech companies look for when hiring. I began to realise that my good grades were not enough, I had to show practically what I can do. I had to level-up! I am so grateful to Barbara because through this program, I did level-up!
Two months into the program, I got a job interview with Medecins sans frontiers-Swiss (Doctors without borders). I was a little nervous but this time I was confident and ready to face the panel of interviewers. Three days later, I got the job!
I am glad I joined the level-up program at WITU; it has polished me, equipped me with skills and shaped me into an employable young woman in tech! I am happy in my career path working with ERP systems for a reputable organization. – Aidah
Some of the testimonies have been delivered through past and current tutors, while I am unable to post those, I have listened to with great pride. I have just picked out some that touch my heart and by no means are the others less important. Our Facebook page has a number of them too, some delivered by posting, others through messages.
I am grateful to all the people that make WITU what it is! Lets keep #empowering #inspiring #Teaching #creating and #innovating! #Leticia