23rd April was international girls in Ict day. WITU partnered with UCC to inspire young women and girls into STEM by introducing them to STEM JOB
OPPORTUNITIES/ careers, inspiring talks of women in Uganda who have been there done that and still working in Tech.
The audience this year was diverse, mixed with girls right from primary school, secondary school and recent graduates and teachers from some secondary and primary schools.
The day begun with an introduction from UCC AND WITU. With UCC explaining its role in the country and the job opportunities with in the commission. WITU was introduced by your truly and I spoke about the different programs at WITU including its CODE GIRLS LEVEL UP program. Talking also spoke about the opportunities that a career in STEM offers as well as encouraging the young women to opt for STEM courses at school. Technology is a diverse field that all women should embrace since the world is now a global village. Young women need to build their confidence and build on their skill set. Its not just good grades that get people employed or creating/innovating, its also your self esteem, your confidence level, your attitude and determination that will get you places in STEM careers. young women need to keep Improving themselves, Look out for areas that need improvement and find either online courses, a mentor, teacher and until you get to where you want to get, never stop. What are the goals for your life and where do you see yourself in, say 5 years from now… once you have that, work out a plan on how to get there. Do not just exist and fill up space, find a purpose for your life!
The students visited different technical companies to understand and experience working in a tech environment in Uganda. This was followed by a number of inspirational talks from Lynn Asiimwe a young tech professional, Ms. Lucrezia Biteete the Managing Director of labor emus Uganda who spoke about opportunities for women in Tech, what tech companies or employers look for in an employee. She noted that attitude goes along way in getting a person hired. Ms. Biira Kafumbe, A projects manager from Thoughtworks Uganda shared on her journey as a woman in technology and what her work entails, and shared experiences of studying and working both in Uganda and abroad.
Ms. Docus Muhwezi the Quality Assurance manager from MTN Uganda shared on how to make a Career in Tech, finding a niche with Tech, Perfecting your skills to increase your value, You need exposure , market your self to get hired, find a mentor, volunteer and do Internships.
Dr. Nora Mulira a board member of UCC, share on the challenges and opportunities in STEM, her experience as a mother and career Technology career and how to manage both a career and other duties. She noted that the IT sector needs new talent.
Ms. Jane Mukulu the HR manager of Access Mobile shared on what they look out for as a software development firm when hiring and that priority is given to women.
UCC shared Internship Opportunities available and the Code girls Level up program members jumped at this opportunity. Laboremus is hiring, please check their FB page – https://www.facebook.com/labouga
The day was crowned with a panel where the young women got to ask questions and discuss issues and opportunities in the Ugandan Tech Market.
That was the day for me and WITU! I am happy our Code Girls got opportunities and lots of lessons from the day! @ UCC @ WITU @ Hive Colab.
We are still looking for Internship and Job opportunities for the young women in our CODE GIRLS LEVEL UP PROGRAM, a WITU program aimed at skilling recent graduates with Industry relevant skills. Drop us a line if you are looking to hire Quality young women in Tech.